Men In Black III & the Victory Of the Cold War, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!), Lawless with its stunning, all-star cast (my review Lawless & Brass-Knuckle Tactics, which is an anti-capitalist film, but it is done extremely well), as well as Chris Butler's and Sam Fell's ParaNorman. It's been a long time since we discussed this film, but you may recall that I was not looking forward to it one bit, primarily because of the date the "witch" was hung symbolically linking the witch to the Catholic church (to which I belong). The truth is, like The Woman In Black, it is anti-Catholic in a very subversive way that many Catholics will actually welcome (myself not included); so, the film takes great pains to establish a Catholic presence, only to undermine it by telling Catholics to basically, "Get over it" (please see Naming the Harlot: The Woman In Black).
It's the tiny detail of the year the Blithe Hollow Witch was hung to death which the entire narrative builds its message; why? During this time in history, there was a bitter struggle between the Catholic Church and groups wanting to reform and break-away from the Church (like Puritans) who, because they protested practices, beliefs or both, were called Protestants (in general). Up until the time Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church, all Christians were Catholic, there were no denominations (except the split between Eastern and Western Catholic Churches, but they were still Catholic) unlike today there are Nazarenes, Methodists, Lutherans, Adventists, Non-Denominational, Baptists, Southern Baptists, etc., an entire list; it's imperative that we know this going into the film because Norman's school play is about one of those groups, the Puritans (who wanted to reform Anglicanism, which itself was a reformed Christianity), and how they were the ones who hanged the witch.
Who else can talk to the dead like him? Catholics.
Because of the Catholic doctrine of the communion with the saints--that those who have died can hear our prayers and we can ask them to pray for us, and we can pray for them--Catholics "talk to the dead," and that was one of the long-held beliefs in the Catholic Church which certain members decided to "ditch" as they broke away to form their own variations on Christianity (called "denominations" and, yes, the Puritans also abandoned the communion of saints). For example, I can ask my patron saint, Thomas Aquinas, to pray for me for help with a particular prayer request I have. Trust me, I was raised a Protestant, I know you are saying, "But just pray to God directly!" but, I counter, if you could ask Billy Graham to pray for you, would you? Of course you would, because, as a Protestant, you consider Rev. Graham a holy man and that his prayers (and the prayers of anyone else you could get) would benefit your cause before God. That's the basis of the communion with the saints for Catholics. Don't believe me? If Norman doesn't follow through with the ritual, the Blithe Hollow witch will "raise the dead," and that's a one way of describing the communion of saints, raising the dead to intercede on your behalf before God, but they leave out that last part.
Zombies, as we have explored in My Favorite Zombie: Night Of the Living Dead and in Being Unto Death: Carnival Of Souls, are the walking dead, or, symbolically, those who are not "alive" to the real purpose of life; a key to understanding zombies, at least traditionally, is that they can't see their reflection, like vampires. Why is this important? Because it means they "can't reflect," or enter into the spiritual life so the most important part of them is dead, their soul. Norman can see them, much like the little boy in The Sixth Sense, because children haven't learned the falsehoods adults become numb to. According to the traditional rules of horror films, the supernatural presented by the film must reflect the natural; in other words, if there are zombies in the supernatural characteristic of the film, that's because the characters are themselves zombies; so, where are they?
No, he's not a zombie. We can say that he is more spiritually advanced than the others because of his nearly ascetic lifestyle, as well as his life-long devotion to a cause greater than himself (saving the town from "the curse"), however, he has not achieved the level of spiritual advancement Norman has. That he dies before carrying out the ritual for the curse shows that he's "dead in faith" because he only carries out the ritual but is not strong enough to stop Agatha; this is where the film's own logic starts breaking down, but it goes on anyway. So why is Norman so much more advanced than everyone else?
He watches zombie movies.
I hope that--by now--you have seen how films (and art in general) tries to communicate to viewers about politics, morality, the social structure, our inner-life, etc., and like films in general, zombie films specifically seek to reveal how other people drag us down, how others make us inauthentic (we sacrifice being ourselves to be what others expect of us), how others try dominating us to make us like them and our subtle actions and thoughts which aid "zombies" to make us like them, hence, why zombies "eat" brains, they destroy our ability to "think through" what they are trying to do to us and they make us "eat" their lies and falsehoods which slowly poisons us to believing that they really know what is best then we are zombies.
On one hand, we can say that zombies really do exist, because we can see zombie characteristics amongst those we know in our daily lives; further, zombie films wouldn't still be around after forty years, so audiences do identify with the message of a zombie-horror film. However, we can also say that zombies don't exist as monsters walking around in a daze, they exist only as symbols into which we invest meaning; this makes zombies, like many films, fairy tales and the role of "fairy tales" in ParaNorman is one tricky topic to understand.
The resurgence lately of fairy tales being told in Hollywood (Mirror, Mirror, Snow White and the Huntsman, Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters, Jack the Giant Slayer, etc.) reveals Hollywood's sudden need to teach viewers the lessons which fairy tales typically embody because fairy tales are the vehicles of secular virtues. In this clip, Norman's uncle tells him about locating the book and what he has to do:
When Norman goes into his uncle's house and finds the book he died holding onto to, it can be said that Uncle Prenderghast's sin was that he wouldn't "let go" of the past he claims is coming to haunt Norman. Norman is obviously disappointed that the book is only a book of fairy tales, and that's probably because that's what the film makers see the Bible as being, fairy tales. When Norman meets up with Agatha, he has to talk her into going into her grave and accepting death instead of pretending that she is still alive, and that is clearly a politically charged message to Catholics that we should let the Church die and bury it once and for all (I certainly won't).
In conclusion, as The Woman In Black offered anti-Catholic rhetoric to Anglicans thinking of "swimming the Tiber" by dredging up old conflicts between the two Churches while ParaNorman offers an anti-Catholic rhetoric to young Catholics to "not be so Catholic" and "lord" it over other Christians or no one will like you. Why would they do this? Because liberals know Catholics will stand against socialism, and eroding Catholics' bond to the Church will make it easier to get lukewarm Catholics to accept homosexuality and socialism (or at least not speak out against it); those who do speak out against it are like that nasty little girl that no one liked, who turned into a terrible witch, and was all alone,... and you don't want to be like that, do you?
Eat Your Art Out,
The Fine Art Diner
It's the tiny detail of the year the Blithe Hollow Witch was hung to death which the entire narrative builds its message; why? During this time in history, there was a bitter struggle between the Catholic Church and groups wanting to reform and break-away from the Church (like Puritans) who, because they protested practices, beliefs or both, were called Protestants (in general). Up until the time Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church, all Christians were Catholic, there were no denominations (except the split between Eastern and Western Catholic Churches, but they were still Catholic) unlike today there are Nazarenes, Methodists, Lutherans, Adventists, Non-Denominational, Baptists, Southern Baptists, etc., an entire list; it's imperative that we know this going into the film because Norman's school play is about one of those groups, the Puritans (who wanted to reform Anglicanism, which itself was a reformed Christianity), and how they were the ones who hanged the witch.
Who else can talk to the dead like him? Catholics.
Because of the Catholic doctrine of the communion with the saints--that those who have died can hear our prayers and we can ask them to pray for us, and we can pray for them--Catholics "talk to the dead," and that was one of the long-held beliefs in the Catholic Church which certain members decided to "ditch" as they broke away to form their own variations on Christianity (called "denominations" and, yes, the Puritans also abandoned the communion of saints). For example, I can ask my patron saint, Thomas Aquinas, to pray for me for help with a particular prayer request I have. Trust me, I was raised a Protestant, I know you are saying, "But just pray to God directly!" but, I counter, if you could ask Billy Graham to pray for you, would you? Of course you would, because, as a Protestant, you consider Rev. Graham a holy man and that his prayers (and the prayers of anyone else you could get) would benefit your cause before God. That's the basis of the communion with the saints for Catholics. Don't believe me? If Norman doesn't follow through with the ritual, the Blithe Hollow witch will "raise the dead," and that's a one way of describing the communion of saints, raising the dead to intercede on your behalf before God, but they leave out that last part.
Zombies, as we have explored in My Favorite Zombie: Night Of the Living Dead and in Being Unto Death: Carnival Of Souls, are the walking dead, or, symbolically, those who are not "alive" to the real purpose of life; a key to understanding zombies, at least traditionally, is that they can't see their reflection, like vampires. Why is this important? Because it means they "can't reflect," or enter into the spiritual life so the most important part of them is dead, their soul. Norman can see them, much like the little boy in The Sixth Sense, because children haven't learned the falsehoods adults become numb to. According to the traditional rules of horror films, the supernatural presented by the film must reflect the natural; in other words, if there are zombies in the supernatural characteristic of the film, that's because the characters are themselves zombies; so, where are they?
No, he's not a zombie. We can say that he is more spiritually advanced than the others because of his nearly ascetic lifestyle, as well as his life-long devotion to a cause greater than himself (saving the town from "the curse"), however, he has not achieved the level of spiritual advancement Norman has. That he dies before carrying out the ritual for the curse shows that he's "dead in faith" because he only carries out the ritual but is not strong enough to stop Agatha; this is where the film's own logic starts breaking down, but it goes on anyway. So why is Norman so much more advanced than everyone else?
He watches zombie movies.
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In religious studies there is what is called Negative Theology, popular among early Franciscans such as St. Bonaventure, it demonstrates what God is by what God is not. Similarly, zombie films can be said to be a type of negative theology in that zombies depict how Christians should not act so they don't turn into zombies, because zombies are the opposite of saints, for example, zombie flesh is usually either green or white. When they are green (like above) it's because they are rotting; saints are often depicted wearing green because green symbolizes new birth and hope. When zombies are shown to be white, it's because a corpse turns white due to the natural decay of death; when a saint is "dead" to the world, they are alive in purity, innocence and faith, which is what white symbolizes. That the Puritans have been turned to zombies illustrates the animosity towards Protestants, and that the Bride of Christ, the Catholic Church, has been turned into the Bride of Satan, a witch, clearly illustrates how perverse ParaNorman is by positing that Mitch and his boyfriend are natural. Again, this is aimed at children. |
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So who is Norman's Grandma in the film? She's probably meant to be a soul in Purgatory. Norman's dad tells Norman that "Grandma's in a better place now," and Norman refutes him, "No, she' s in the living room on the couch." Protestants believe that, after a person dies, pretty much everyone goes straight to heaven; unless you were like Adolf Hitler, and regardless of how many really bad sins you committed, if you love Jesus in your heart, you get a "Go To Heaven" free card. Catholics, on the other hand, believe that a sin is a sin, a debt against God's love for you, and that debt has to be paid off before you get to go enjoy Heaven; you can start paying off the debt here, but if you die and you have sins for which you have not atoned, that atonement must take place in Purgatory. It seems that Norman asks Grandma why she's still on earth and she says something about not wanting to be with her husband, which is seriously problematic, because the Husband of every soul is its creator, Jesus Christ, so her preferring to remain on earth rather than in heaven with the Bridegroom might itself be her sin because she prefers the imperfect things of earth to the perfect bliss of Heaven. |
The resurgence lately of fairy tales being told in Hollywood (Mirror, Mirror, Snow White and the Huntsman, Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters, Jack the Giant Slayer, etc.) reveals Hollywood's sudden need to teach viewers the lessons which fairy tales typically embody because fairy tales are the vehicles of secular virtues. In this clip, Norman's uncle tells him about locating the book and what he has to do:
When Norman goes into his uncle's house and finds the book he died holding onto to, it can be said that Uncle Prenderghast's sin was that he wouldn't "let go" of the past he claims is coming to haunt Norman. Norman is obviously disappointed that the book is only a book of fairy tales, and that's probably because that's what the film makers see the Bible as being, fairy tales. When Norman meets up with Agatha, he has to talk her into going into her grave and accepting death instead of pretending that she is still alive, and that is clearly a politically charged message to Catholics that we should let the Church die and bury it once and for all (I certainly won't).
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If you don't believe the importance of Mitch in the film, please consider that Mitch has "the vehicle" of the film (he's the only one who can drive) and he's the one "driving" throughout the film. |
Eat Your Art Out,
The Fine Art Diner
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