Steven Spielberg's JAWS, 1975; this particular shot is one of the most important moments in United States history because of the culmination it marks and the political stance it's taking; why? |
The Skin I Live In is so incredible!
I finally saw it for the second time last night and was thoroughly amazed, even more so than the second time! This is not a film for everyone, so if it doesn't look/sound good to you, skip it, but if you are intrigued, give it a try! The film has generated a great deal of discussion in the comment area of my initial post on the film. Instead of making a second post with my secondary observations, I have decided to edit the initial posting to include my additional comments but because my second viewing was so fruitful, there is a bit of research I am wanting to do in fully exploring possibilities so I will let you know as soon as the final version of the post is done! In the meantime, I did find
the official press kit of interviews and notations which you may find interesting!
Without doubt, Jaws is one of the greatest films that has ever been made, and many make the case that is surpasses all other films; this moment, pictured above, is one of the reasons why, and the great Quint Monologue will be examined in full. |
I am finishing my post on
Jaws, perhaps the greatest film ever made, in conclusion to the science fiction films of the 1950s series I have done, because Spielberg, having grown up with those films, had to answer their dialogue before he could move on and start a dialogue of his own with his own audiences, and what Spielberg says in this film is imperative for not only the history of cinema, but American political and social history as well. I hope by the time you get done reading my post, you will want to watch it again! I hope to get it up later this afternoon (but it may be this evening, sorry, it's a great film and deserves all our attention) but I am working on getting it done and, as always, will tweet that it's up and ready!
1975 advertisement encouraging the new venue of the summer blockbuster that would change the film industry (as we are still witnessing today with the release of films such as The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers). The bottom of the page encourages the audience to see the film from the beginning; Alfred Hitchcock fans all ready know that Psycho changed viewing habits as audience members would enter or leave a cinema at any point in the film, but Norman Bates changed that; for those still indulging in casual viewing practices, the film makers wanted to insure that everyone got the full-bang out of this low-budget thriller. Why? The initial opening scene establishes the political agenda that Spielberg carries throughout the film. |
One last note: this is probably the MOST IMPORTANT and original contribution to academic film studies that I will ever make, as I hope it will change the way the entire era is understood and Spielberg's response to it. So, yea, I am spending a bit of lavish time on it. ALSO, please note that "Friends of the Fine Art Diner" has been added in the right-hand column; so many of you, my fabulous readers, have your own blogs and this is a way
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