"Don't waste my time," is a familiar pun in Andrew Niccol's In Time. I was not disappointed in its approach to expanding the vocabulary of the "class wars." It doesn't matter what side you are on in the Washington tax discussions, In Time has given us some new perspectives on existence. Humanity has been writing about the war between the classes since there were classes to be at war and that someone has figured out a new way to articulate the difference is quite an achievement; regardless of where you stand on tax breaks or hikes, regardless of how often or how seldom you think of money and regardless of whether you were born to money or born to a heap of bills, it's a smart movie that, I am very pleased to announce, disappointed me in my prediction made, Wednesday, September 14, 2011.
In Destabilization: Reality and Identity, I examined trends in trailers for upcoming films (Margin Call, Contagion, In Time and Anonymous) which signaled shifting modes of identity in today's culture: disease, financial analysis, class and even the great canon of art by which culture defines itself. What I expected of In Time is that identity would be destabilized, in essence, that we would be spinning wildly out of control, like the company's assets in Margin Call, however, In Time does the exact opposite: it firmly anchors existence within the basic framework of time. We literally exist in time because without time, we don't exist.
critics at rotten tomatoes are alleging.
Some critics have accused that the film is okay if you don't look too closely at how it all works; I would disagree, the closer you examine it, the more intriguing it becomes. Will's break out of the time ghetto comes from Henry Hamilton (Matt Bomer), a time-rich guy who has lived 105 years and is tired. Wanting to get killed, he takes his time into the ghetto where he attracts attention and is certain to get killed until Will steps in to save him. Most film critics would say that this is just a cliche film device and totally overlook the importance of this moment; however, this is the kind of philanthropy which Will does throughout the whole film and which creates the real lesson. What is most important about Henry Hamilton is his name: Hamilton.
Alexander Hamilton was the personality winning President George Washington's attention and approval for his economic systems. Henry Hamilton, then, giving Will a century is breaking Will out of the constraint of the system the way (believe it or not) Alexander Hamilton's devotion to the free market and capitalism would help thousands break out of the constraining systems of economic establishments which ruled the world at that time, making it possible for people to move in and out of social and economic classes the way Will now (theoretically) can move from one time zone to another (time zones are the new "economic classes" in this system). That's the reason Hamilton falls from the bridge when he "times out," that bridge symbolizes "bridging" the gap between classes and time zones and the sacrifice that he's willing to make, just as Will sacrificed to save him from the thugs.
Tom Hardy, tattoos and all! As Christians, that's what makes our world go around, giving of what we have and humbly receiving what we don't have. God bless him.
This is the reason why, as the film itself names it, that robbing from the banks and the rich to give time to the poor won't disrupt the system: the prices for everything goes up as the poor get more and more time. It doesn't effect the rich, they live in a different time zone, only the poor have to deal with inflation. "Taking," the film makes clear, isn't going to be what solves the inequality between the classes, only the kind of conversion that Sylvia has experienced on a massive scale, and a generosity of heart will genuinely change things.
Constantine the Great), but what is the greater act of blasphemy, the engineering the body not to age past 25, or lots of people dying when they can't afford to live any longer so that a few can be immortal and "live forever?" Or, is it that good people let that happen? We have to remember that Time comes from God, the one Who exists beyond Time.
For everyone, but especially for Christians, we have to be mindful that "Our time is not our own," and every second is a gift from God and we will be accountable for every second, if it was used to make acts of sin or make acts of virtue, like my mechanic, again, God bless him. Is what we are doing "worthy" of our time? Is what we are "spending" our time on "valuable?" What do we "give" our time to? When Hamilton tells Will, "Don't waste my time," it is really God telling us, "Don't waste my time," because we will be accountable for it all at any moment.
In Destabilization: Reality and Identity, I examined trends in trailers for upcoming films (Margin Call, Contagion, In Time and Anonymous) which signaled shifting modes of identity in today's culture: disease, financial analysis, class and even the great canon of art by which culture defines itself. What I expected of In Time is that identity would be destabilized, in essence, that we would be spinning wildly out of control, like the company's assets in Margin Call, however, In Time does the exact opposite: it firmly anchors existence within the basic framework of time. We literally exist in time because without time, we don't exist.
critics at rotten tomatoes are alleging.
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in a prison, it's that you're not allowed into the inner circle (the time-wealthy, so to speak) where freedom is synonymous with relaxing. |
Alexander Hamilton was the personality winning President George Washington's attention and approval for his economic systems. Henry Hamilton, then, giving Will a century is breaking Will out of the constraint of the system the way (believe it or not) Alexander Hamilton's devotion to the free market and capitalism would help thousands break out of the constraining systems of economic establishments which ruled the world at that time, making it possible for people to move in and out of social and economic classes the way Will now (theoretically) can move from one time zone to another (time zones are the new "economic classes" in this system). That's the reason Hamilton falls from the bridge when he "times out," that bridge symbolizes "bridging" the gap between classes and time zones and the sacrifice that he's willing to make, just as Will sacrificed to save him from the thugs.
Tom Hardy, tattoos and all! As Christians, that's what makes our world go around, giving of what we have and humbly receiving what we don't have. God bless him.
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The car crash when Sylvia has been robbed of her time and wants Will to give her some of his. The car provides an interesting "vehicle" of thought and symbols in the film (see picture below). When Will travels through the time zones to his ultimate destination, New Greenwich, named, of course for the Greenwich Mean Time which standardizes time throughout the world, he buys the car and the dealer tells him that delivery charge is included in the fee; delivery for what? For displaying, just like the red convertible from Tower Heist. "Display it? I'm going to drive it!" Will responds, but this ultra expensive purchase and the turning a vehicle (a device for utility) into an object of display is one of the dividing lines between the upper class and lower classes. Further, during a car chase, Sylvia asks Will if he knows how to drive. "What's there to know?" validating that he "didn't have time to learn" because he didn't have the time to spend buying a car because he was working trying to get enough hours to make it through the night. |
Constantine the Great), but what is the greater act of blasphemy, the engineering the body not to age past 25, or lots of people dying when they can't afford to live any longer so that a few can be immortal and "live forever?" Or, is it that good people let that happen? We have to remember that Time comes from God, the one Who exists beyond Time.
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Price includes delivery charge for display. |
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