The 1981 version Clash of the Titans directed by Desmond Davis is based on the riddle Perseus (Harry Hamlin) must answer to win the hand of Andromeda (Judi Bowker), but the whole film is a riddle, and just as riddles encode wisdom and insights, they also hide and reveal, part of which is that the beautiful Andromeda is actually Medusa, and the hero Perseus is actually the deformed beast Calibos. Andromeda and Medusa share the sin of vanity and so Medusa shows us Andromeda's sin. Likewise, Perseus and Calibos share the same (sexual) desire for Andromeda, so Calibos reveals the dark side of Perseus: Medusa is Andromeda and Calibos is Perseus, and the true destiny of every hero is to find the Medusa and Calibos, kill them, and then fulfill the highest ideals of pure love. To fulfill his destiny, Perseus--like all men--must overcome both Medusa and Calibos.
“In my mind’s eye I see, three circles joined in priceless harmony. Two, full as the moon; one, hollow as a crown. Two from the sea, five fathoms down. One from the earth, deep underground. Tell me, what can it be?" What are the "three circles joined in priceless harmony?" The woman herself, her two breasts and her vagina. The woman's body is a work of perfection and harmony. The two pearls represent wisdom, because a pearl begins as a speck of sand, and over much time, locked within the mollusk (symbolic of the interior life) it develops layers and layers that become the pearl; with the pearls of wisdom, a woman nurtures her husband and her children. literally feeding them from her love and her gift of spirit from which she was created. It is from the earth that all things grow, just as it is from within the "hollow" of a woman's womb that the seeds of life are sown and she is able to give birth, a woman's crowning achievement in life, to beget life.
“In my mind’s eye I see, three circles joined in priceless harmony. Two, full as the moon; one, hollow as a crown. Two from the sea, five fathoms down. One from the earth, deep underground. Tell me, what can it be?" What are the "three circles joined in priceless harmony?" The woman herself, her two breasts and her vagina. The woman's body is a work of perfection and harmony. The two pearls represent wisdom, because a pearl begins as a speck of sand, and over much time, locked within the mollusk (symbolic of the interior life) it develops layers and layers that become the pearl; with the pearls of wisdom, a woman nurtures her husband and her children. literally feeding them from her love and her gift of spirit from which she was created. It is from the earth that all things grow, just as it is from within the "hollow" of a woman's womb that the seeds of life are sown and she is able to give birth, a woman's crowning achievement in life, to beget life.
The reason the answer is contained within “the ring,” is because that is the symbol of a covenant, the marriage covenant, and when a man means it, he says it with a ring, i.e., the promise to forsake all others. So a man's first step in the battle against the Medusa is to enter into a covenant (which is what Medusa, before her hideous transformation, did not do, committing adultery instead) and with his promise, win the trust and confidence of Andromeda so then she also desires the Medusa within herself to be defeated and killed.
But what’s so important about this ring, is that “it was a gift from his mother,” meaning, that a man knows and appreciates the value of women according to how his mother raised him. A man who values women values women because he honors and reveres his own mother because his mother gave him the love he required when he was young and saved him from giving into a false image of himself (more on this in the caption below): a woman is a human being to him, not a sex object (and this is a man's inner-conflict to overcome his Calibos and the temptation to treat her like a sex object). A man who lacks respect for his mother's dignity will never respect any woman.
But the real question of Andromeda's riddle is, “What am I worth?” This is typical of every relationship: every woman has a riddle a man must answer; the good news is, it’s the same riddle for every woman; the bad news is, each woman has a different answer, and for some women, the answer changes every ten minutes. A Medusa lurks within every woman, a Calibos lurks within every man, ready to turn her virtue, value and beauty into lethal venom, full of hatred and deform her soul into the loathsome gorgon while Calibos is capable of taking the most beautiful and pure woman and turning her into the lowest of sex slaves. But what caused Andromeda to turn into Medusa?
But what’s so important about this ring, is that “it was a gift from his mother,” meaning, that a man knows and appreciates the value of women according to how his mother raised him. A man who values women values women because he honors and reveres his own mother because his mother gave him the love he required when he was young and saved him from giving into a false image of himself (more on this in the caption below): a woman is a human being to him, not a sex object (and this is a man's inner-conflict to overcome his Calibos and the temptation to treat her like a sex object). A man who lacks respect for his mother's dignity will never respect any woman.
But the real question of Andromeda's riddle is, “What am I worth?” This is typical of every relationship: every woman has a riddle a man must answer; the good news is, it’s the same riddle for every woman; the bad news is, each woman has a different answer, and for some women, the answer changes every ten minutes. A Medusa lurks within every woman, a Calibos lurks within every man, ready to turn her virtue, value and beauty into lethal venom, full of hatred and deform her soul into the loathsome gorgon while Calibos is capable of taking the most beautiful and pure woman and turning her into the lowest of sex slaves. But what caused Andromeda to turn into Medusa?
It is a man's base sexual desire that holds a woman captive, because he lacks the wisdom to understand what her true value is; that in turn effects her and diseases her, because if the men in her life do not know how to value a woman in her created perfection, he views her only in sexual terms, an instrument for his pleasure, trapping her in a gilded cage, like the cage Andromeda steps into for the giant vulture of death to take her to Calibos.
So what is the Medusa?
Medusa is a woman's expression of the self-hatred she feels at not being properly valued, and the "Medusa" comes out most often in an argument. A woman's hair is her crowning glory of beauty, but in Medusa, it's been replaced by serpents who "bite back" with venom; whereas her eyes should reveal a soul gentle and pure, when a man looks into the eyes of Medusa, they turn him to stone, because her viciousness "hardens his heart" against her so that he can't overcome her; when the Medusa takes over a women (for a moment or longer) it's as if she hates the man who loves her (and what man doesn't know that feeling?). Medusa lives on the Isle of the Dead, and any woman controlled by Medusa is held captive by the death of sin because she has died to the higher calling and destiny in her life, so that is what has to be awakened within her (why we see Andromeda sleeping so much in the first part of the film, she's dead to her calling in life).
This is where the "helmet of invisibility" comes in: as a gift from the goddess of wisdom Athena, it's a sign of wisdom, and that wisdom is mirrored (read "reversed") in that Perseus doesn't become invisible, but Calibos--who had been invisible to Perseus as a part of his very self--is now visible to Perseus so he can begin to see and confront him ("wisdom" gives us sight to see deeper into people, situations and, most importantly, ourselves). So why is the helmet "lost in the swamp?" Because Perseus mistakenly thinks it's not needed anymore, that he has interiorized the gift of the helmet but he has won only the first stage of his battle; that there is a swamp means Perseus has much more to clean out of his soul before he can be wedded to Andromeda.
But there's a problem: "Why didn't you kill him?" Andromeda asks Perseus, who replies that he pitied Calibos. The truth is, Perseus is too weak at this point to overcome Calibos completely, and in letting Calibos continue to live, Perseus continues "allowing" himself to see Andromeda in the not-so-purest of terms. It's apparent that Andromeda doesn't trust Perseus, because at the party, when they discuss Calibos, Perseus tries to kiss her and she turns away: Perseus doesn't know her yet, nor has he done anything to win her trust or earn her love; like Calibos, he sees only the "shadow of her real being," the part that goes at the vulture's bidding to get into the cage; just as real a part of Andromeda is Medusa, and only after Perseus has seen that part of her, too, can he say in truth that he loves her.
The second gift Perseus is given is from the patron goddess of women and marriage: Hera. The gift of the shield is what every man needs. Imagine a man in an argument with a woman (Perseus confronting Medusa within her temple). The woman is firing her arrows at him, trying to wound him, but he becomes objective (Perseus tossing the shield to a pillar upon which the shield "sticks," reflecting what is going on); instead of seeing the woman he loves attacking him, he sees the Medusa lurking around within her. Because of the shield, Perseus is able to "reflect" upon what she is doing and that "reflecting" is what keeps him from getting hurt, i.e., knowing that she really doesn't mean it, but there is something wrong with her causing her to behave like this; it is the exercising of wisdom. A man has to be brave enough to take these attacks, then wise enough to see through them.
Perseus has to cut off the head of Medusa because the head represents the "governing function," that which controls all else (e.g., Christ compared Himself to the Head of the Church) so when Medusa has been beheaded, Medusa no longer "governs" and "controls" Andromeda, Andromeda is free to act on the impulse of love (which is why we see her naked getting out of her bath, because she has been "stripped" of the shackles of bondage and is cleansed of the demon's presence). Like the helmet "lost in the swamp," Perseus no longer needs the shield because he has interiorized the gift and it has become a part of him. Perseus making these gifts a part of his being is what gives him power, because as the demons within him die, the part of his divinity gets stronger, not being compromised by the power either Medusa or Calibos hold (his fear of Medusa and what she can do to him and Andromeda or the weary battle he must fight within himself with Calibos).
In the spiritual life, the root of our sin is where that sin is strongest, so the last spiritual battle is the hardest, and that's what happens on their way back to Joppa. Perseus and his men sleep, and because Perseus "sleeps," Calibos pierces the head of Medusa with his trident, representing the sexual act. (It's not that Perseus and Andromeda actually have sex, rather, the two monsters coming together make a bid to reassert their control and this is how they do it; Perseus sleeping--like Andromeda in the beginning, symbolizes that Perseus is off his guard, he thinks the battles are over, and that's when the last, stinging assault is launched). Medusa's blood, (read: "the breaking of the hymen") produces those scorpion monsters which kill the soldiers (scorpions represent “the sting of death” that entered the world when Original Sin was committed), because when a woman loses her virginity, it lets loose evil (this will be discussed at greater length in October when I will be posting on monsters).
As the soldiers fight off the scorpions, Calibos whips Perseus, preventing him from picking up his sword (of course, the Sword of Truth and purified mating as opposed to the sexual act for physical gratification). The irony is, the more Calibos whips Perseus, the more determined Perseus is going to become to break the hold Calibos has over him, instead of earlier in the film when Perseus was weak enough to show pity, Perseus realizes how strong Calibos is and what it will take to finally defeat him and that's why and how the whip figures in the sword finally defeating Calibos once and for all: Perseus is determined to love Andromeda as she deserves, and this is the ultimate action for a man: "to die to himself" so that his love can be its strongest and purest for his wife and their children.
The third gift, the sword of Aphrodite, is the Sword of Truth, and it is given by Aphrodite because she is the goddess of Love; usually, she is associated with lust, but that is a "weak" reading of her, rather, "love" means a genuine self-love of himself and Andromeda that is the final weapon Perseus needs to discipline himself and overcome the temptations to impurity which Calibos lords over him.
The exhaustion which drains Perseus (after the battle with the scorpions) shows him being completely weakened, and this is good. He has faced death of his inner-most being and survived. After a man has won this victory, he can face and overcome anything, even the Kraken. But Perseus gets a drink of water, and Bubo the owl comes up. Just as Bubo had fallen into the water, so in the fierceness of the battle, wisdom wasn't playing a part (it was Perseus' determination and will power that won over Calibos) wisdom must be a part of the next chapter, which is why he needs Pegasus, so Perseus knows what he must do next to have complete triumph.
Why does Zeus help Perseus?
Because now Zeus can help Perseus. Before, Perseus (like the little clay figure) would have been weighed down by the weight of the demon Calibos within him, controlling Perseus' will; now that Perseus has, literally, exorcised Calibos from within himself, he is "free" and "emptied" to receive the power of His Father's Will: to stand and fight. Something fills each and everyone of us and it's either a demon or grace (the Life of God, God's Breath Of Life) and Perseus dying to himself in killing Calibos means that he has been "reborn" in the image of his Father and can now receive the Life that will empower him instead of the death of Calibos that had been weighing him down.
So what is the Medusa?
Medusa is a woman's expression of the self-hatred she feels at not being properly valued, and the "Medusa" comes out most often in an argument. A woman's hair is her crowning glory of beauty, but in Medusa, it's been replaced by serpents who "bite back" with venom; whereas her eyes should reveal a soul gentle and pure, when a man looks into the eyes of Medusa, they turn him to stone, because her viciousness "hardens his heart" against her so that he can't overcome her; when the Medusa takes over a women (for a moment or longer) it's as if she hates the man who loves her (and what man doesn't know that feeling?). Medusa lives on the Isle of the Dead, and any woman controlled by Medusa is held captive by the death of sin because she has died to the higher calling and destiny in her life, so that is what has to be awakened within her (why we see Andromeda sleeping so much in the first part of the film, she's dead to her calling in life).
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Head of Medusa by Peter Paul Rubens |
How does Perseus overcome Medusa?
First, he begins by confronting Calibos. When Perseus and Calibos fight in the "swamp," (which symbolizes a lack of discipline in Perseus' soul) Perseus cuts off the right hand of Calibos which has the ring. Symbolically, the right hand is a sign of power and strength, so Perseus loosens Calibos' grip on him, and frees himself to see Andromeda in her true beauty and not just her ability to gratify his desires. This act in turns releases Andromeda from her bondage to Calibos and actually frees the entire city of Joppa, in other words, men cannot overestimate the importance of their purity because one man enslaved to his sexual desires enslaves the whole world.
First, he begins by confronting Calibos. When Perseus and Calibos fight in the "swamp," (which symbolizes a lack of discipline in Perseus' soul) Perseus cuts off the right hand of Calibos which has the ring. Symbolically, the right hand is a sign of power and strength, so Perseus loosens Calibos' grip on him, and frees himself to see Andromeda in her true beauty and not just her ability to gratify his desires. This act in turns releases Andromeda from her bondage to Calibos and actually frees the entire city of Joppa, in other words, men cannot overestimate the importance of their purity because one man enslaved to his sexual desires enslaves the whole world.
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Medusa's Head (formerly attributed to da Vinci), ca 1600, Uffizi Gallery. |
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Bust of Athena wearing a helmet. |
The second gift Perseus is given is from the patron goddess of women and marriage: Hera. The gift of the shield is what every man needs. Imagine a man in an argument with a woman (Perseus confronting Medusa within her temple). The woman is firing her arrows at him, trying to wound him, but he becomes objective (Perseus tossing the shield to a pillar upon which the shield "sticks," reflecting what is going on); instead of seeing the woman he loves attacking him, he sees the Medusa lurking around within her. Because of the shield, Perseus is able to "reflect" upon what she is doing and that "reflecting" is what keeps him from getting hurt, i.e., knowing that she really doesn't mean it, but there is something wrong with her causing her to behave like this; it is the exercising of wisdom. A man has to be brave enough to take these attacks, then wise enough to see through them.
Perseus has to cut off the head of Medusa because the head represents the "governing function," that which controls all else (e.g., Christ compared Himself to the Head of the Church) so when Medusa has been beheaded, Medusa no longer "governs" and "controls" Andromeda, Andromeda is free to act on the impulse of love (which is why we see her naked getting out of her bath, because she has been "stripped" of the shackles of bondage and is cleansed of the demon's presence). Like the helmet "lost in the swamp," Perseus no longer needs the shield because he has interiorized the gift and it has become a part of him. Perseus making these gifts a part of his being is what gives him power, because as the demons within him die, the part of his divinity gets stronger, not being compromised by the power either Medusa or Calibos hold (his fear of Medusa and what she can do to him and Andromeda or the weary battle he must fight within himself with Calibos).
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Perseus, by Cellini, Florence, Italy. |
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Medusa, Caravaggio, Uffizi Gallery, Florence. |
The third gift, the sword of Aphrodite, is the Sword of Truth, and it is given by Aphrodite because she is the goddess of Love; usually, she is associated with lust, but that is a "weak" reading of her, rather, "love" means a genuine self-love of himself and Andromeda that is the final weapon Perseus needs to discipline himself and overcome the temptations to impurity which Calibos lords over him.
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It's just the simple truth: either a man worships this image of himself in Calibos, or he worships the divine image within himself of his Father in Heaven. Why does Calibos wear the color blue, the color of wisdom? Because with Calibos, it's not the color of wisdom, but of depression. A man not seeking wisdom in this life is ruled by his appetites (like Calibos killing all the herd of sacred flying horses of Zeus instead of realizing they were meant to inspire and "elevate" his mind above the pleasures of the earth) which is why Calibos is covered in hair like an animal because he is an animal. The pierced ears are a sign of the "man of fashion" because a man having pierced ears in the 1980s when this was made was fashionable, so Calibos represents a man living life for a moment instead of a man seeing beyond the immediate moment. The horns? Are they meant to symbolize the devil? Possibly, but also perhaps the Prophet Moses by Michelangelo might be invoked because when Moses came down from the mountain, after seeing God, he had horns of light coming from him, instead of these horns of death coming from Calibos. Whereas Moses led his people to freedom, Calibos enslaves Joppa, and this is the reality of his being that every single man must deal with: will I free myself so I can help free others, or let myself be enslaved and thereby be a slave holder of others? |
Why does Zeus help Perseus?
Because now Zeus can help Perseus. Before, Perseus (like the little clay figure) would have been weighed down by the weight of the demon Calibos within him, controlling Perseus' will; now that Perseus has, literally, exorcised Calibos from within himself, he is "free" and "emptied" to receive the power of His Father's Will: to stand and fight. Something fills each and everyone of us and it's either a demon or grace (the Life of God, God's Breath Of Life) and Perseus dying to himself in killing Calibos means that he has been "reborn" in the image of his Father and can now receive the Life that will empower him instead of the death of Calibos that had been weighing him down.
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The overwhelming forces that work against a relationship. |
Why does the head of Medusa permit Perseus to slay the Kraken?
When a man has exhibited the virtues necessary to conquer the Medusa within the woman he loves, he has the virtues to conquer anything on his life's journey. The head of Medusa is literally a trophy. Sadly, many men view the taking of a woman's virginity as a trophy, but that's a wedding gift; the head of the Medusa is a trophy validating his love for the woman and his willingness to lay down his life for her and her trust and belief in him to let him do that, in other words, she lets Perseus' love rule over her instead of Medusa's self-hatred rule over her.
Another irony is, that it is her preparation to be the sacrifice for the Kraken that helps Andromeda contribute to the defeat of it. Her bath, of course, represents the cleansing of the influence of Medusa over her; her virginity is intact and she calmly is ready for her sacrifice, and even though they can't communicate with each other, this strengthens Perseus so he can arrive to defeat the Kraken. The Kraken is the symbol of culture with its numerous arms being all the devices at its control to destroy a relationship such as the press, drugs, divorce, self-image, sex and pornography. Since they themselves have been cleansed, they are strong enough to defeat all the other forces working against their relationship.
I have mentioned before, 1981 was an important year for great art: at the end of the sexual revolution, the cultural revolution and the beginning of the "divorce revolution," the false oppurtunities society offered for "better relationships" and a good time, were completely debunked by Clash of the Titans, a truly counter-cultural film for its day. It not only supported the virtuous way and path of individuality for individuals and relationships, but showed how it is the only Way.
Eat Your Art Out,
The Fine Art Diner
When a man has exhibited the virtues necessary to conquer the Medusa within the woman he loves, he has the virtues to conquer anything on his life's journey. The head of Medusa is literally a trophy. Sadly, many men view the taking of a woman's virginity as a trophy, but that's a wedding gift; the head of the Medusa is a trophy validating his love for the woman and his willingness to lay down his life for her and her trust and belief in him to let him do that, in other words, she lets Perseus' love rule over her instead of Medusa's self-hatred rule over her.
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Andromeda, Edward Poynter, 1869, Private Collection. |
I have mentioned before, 1981 was an important year for great art: at the end of the sexual revolution, the cultural revolution and the beginning of the "divorce revolution," the false oppurtunities society offered for "better relationships" and a good time, were completely debunked by Clash of the Titans, a truly counter-cultural film for its day. It not only supported the virtuous way and path of individuality for individuals and relationships, but showed how it is the only Way.
Eat Your Art Out,
The Fine Art Diner
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